The Parapsychology Foundation Inc. ScholarshipThe foundation offers the $3,000 Eileen J. Garrett Scholarship to an undergraduate or graduate student studying or conducting research in the area of psychic phenomena to meet the requirements of their degree program. That kid from Paranormal State should probably apply for this one.
The Klingon Language Institute’s (KLI) Kor Memorial ScholarshipAlthough fluency in the fictional Klingon language is not required for this scholarship being a fan of Star Trek can’t hurt. Each year $500 is awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student studying language in any form. Qapla! The award recipients are announced each year at the qep ‘a’ (the annual KLI conference).
The Golf Caddy ScholarshipEach year the Evans Scholars Foundation gives out about 200 full tuition scholarships renewable for up to 4 years. To qualify applicants must have a strong two year caddie record, maintained at least a B average in high school, and demonstrate financial need as well as an outstanding character. Although the scholars may use their award at the University of their choice, most choose to attend one of the 14 universities where the Evans foundation maintains a scholarship house.
The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) ScholarshipEach year NORML gives out a $650 scholarship to the student who writes the best essay outlining a more “sensible” drug policy for the United States. It’s unlikely one of these winners would qualify for the Goodie Goodie scholarship mentioned next.
“Stuck at Prom” ContestDuck brand duct tape annually sponsors the “stuck at prom” contest, which awards $5,000 to the couple with the best outfits made out of duct tape. In recent years the Duck Company has received over 4,000 entries each year. Some past winners are pictured below.
The United Daughters of the Confederacy ScholarshipOnly direct decedents of “worthy” confederate soldiers, sailors and marines are considered for the $1,000 Helene James Brewer Scholarship. Applicants must reside in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee or Virginia. They also must plan to study southern history or literature at an accredited college. In addition, proof of Confederate Military Record and the applicant’s line of decent from the Confederate ancestor must be submitted.
National Marbles Tournament Scholarships
Since 1922 the National Marbles Tournament has been held annually in different cities. Over the four-day tournament more than 1,200 marble games are played. With so many games played obviously only the most skilled mibsters (marble shooters) have a chance to win the 2 $2,000 scholarship prizes.
The Chick and Sophie Major Memorial Duck Calling Scholarship
Any high school senior in the United States is eligible to participate in the Chick and Sophie Major Memorial Duck Calling Contest held annually in Stuttgart, Ark. Participants must adhere to the rules of the World’s Championship Duck Calling Contest which give each person 90 seconds to use four calls (hail, feed, comeback and mating). The best duck call gets the winner $1,500
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